Redistribution ============== Several modules comprise the redistribution package for the Connectivity SDK, located in "%CommonProgramFiles%\Welch Allyn\Connectivity SDK\Redist". Two methods of redistribution are supported: General and Windows Installer. Full 32-bit (x86) and native 64-bit (x64) libraries are supplied. Note: SDK samples and help files are not redistributable. These are intended only for the convenience of the EMR provider in the use of the SDK and ActiveX control. General redistribution ---------------------- General redistribution is recommended only if you are not using Windows Installer technology to host your main setup application. The following table lists the dependencies for the Connectivity SDK software. All files are located in the "%CommonProgramFiles%\Welch Allyn\Connectivity SDK\Redist\general\" folder. For convenience, the WAUSB Driver, Core SDK files and the WAVitals3 ActiveX control files that need to be deployed are provided in separate zip files. For convenience, utilities to assist with installing the USB driver are found in a sub folder named "Utilities". DPInst.exe is a utility for installing drivers and can be automated with command-line switches or an XML configuration file. There are 32-bit and 64-bit releases of the WA USB driver depending on your OS platform. Updatedriver.dll is provided to assist with uninstalling the legacy USB driver installed with the Connectivity SDK v2.1. The DLL contains the following new function, with standard calling convention to upgrade the legacy driver provided in both ANSI and Unicode versions WAUpgradeA and WAUpgradeW respectively. The purpose of this function is to remove legacy INF/PNF driver files from the target system (previously installed with the Connectivity SDK v2.1). This function must be called prior to driver installation. The function definition is: DWORD CALLBACK WAUpgradeA(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); DWORD CALLBACK WAUpgradeW(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInst, LPCWSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); Parameters hWnd - Handle to an owner window or NULL. hInstall - Handle to the library file, obtained as a return value from LoadLibrary(). NULL may be specified for this parameter. lpszCmdLine - Required parameter and must be the full pathname to Welch Allyn Generic USB driver INF file. nCmdShow - Sets the display mode for the window. The function returns 0 on success or standard Win32 error from GetLastError() on failure. If a programming interface is not available, the function can be scripted with rundll32.exe. When using rundll32.exe, do not specify the 'A' or 'W' in the function name, as the operating system will choose the correct entry point. Example syntax: rundll32 updatedriver.dll,WAUpgrade "full path to new driver\WAUSB.inf" For more information about rundll32, refer to the MSDN. +----------------------------------------------------------+ |*If you install* | *You must install* | *Utilities* | |------------------+--------------------+------------------| | WAUSBDriver | WAUSB.sys | DPInst.exe | | | WAUSB.inf | updatedriver.dll | | | WAUSB.dll | | +----------------------------------------------------------| | Connectivity SDK | WAConnSDKATL.dll* | vcredist_x86.exe | | Core | WACPClient.dll | vcredist_x64.exe | | | XchgStack.dll | | | | DMOIB.dll | | | | All the files from | | | | the WAUSBDriver | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | WAVitals3 ActiveX| WAVitals3.dll* | | | control | Connectivity SDK | | | | Core and its | | | | dependencies | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ *Note: File provides COM interface and must be registered. Windows Installer redistribution -------------------------------- For redistribution convenience, merge modules are provided for those implementers using Windows Installer technology. These provide the easiest way to integrate the necessary Welch Allyn files into your deployment package: 32-bit # WA_USBDriver.msm: includes the Welch Allyn USB driver, and contains the DIFxApp libraries for automatic driver preinstall. The Welch Allyn USB driver is digitally signed and will allow for silent deployment. Also includes logic necessary to upgrade from the legacy USB driver for Spot LXi. # WA_ConnectivitySDKCore.msm: includes the Connectivity SDK Core, and requires Microsoft Visual C++ 11 runtime library (Microsoft_VC110_CRT_x86.msm, and WA_USBDriver.msm. # WA_Vitals3ActiveX.msm: includes the ActiveX control, and requires the WAConnectivitySDK merge module and its dependencies. 64-bit # WA_USBDriver64.msm: includes the Welch Allyn USB driver, and contains the DIFxApp libraries for automatic driver preinstall. The Welch Allyn USB driver is digitally signed and will allow for silent deployment. Also includes logic necessary to upgrade from the legacy USB driver for Spot LXi. # WA_ConnectivitySDKCore64.msm: includes the Connectivity SDK Core, and requires Microsoft Visual C++ 11 runtime library (Microsoft_VC110_CRT_x64.msm, and WA_USBDriver64.msm. # WA_Vitals3ActiveX64.msm: includes the ActiveX control, and requires the WAConnectivitySDK merge module and its dependencies. Installation FAQs: ------------------ 1. Is a reboot required for the installation? No, a reboot should not be required for any of the Welch Allyn redistributables. 2. How can the redistributables be deployed? The redistributables can be deployed by any means, including Tivoli, SMS, Altiris, logon script, etc. If Windows Installer is used, then GPO can also be used for deployment. 3. I am using the Connectivity SDK only, but my device is not detected! Did you include the COM port for the device in the XML configuration file? This is machine specific. Make sure the device did not hibernate. For Spot LXi, make sure that the USB driver is installed and Device status (from Device Manager) says "The device is working properly." For Spot (non-LXi) make sure that the JetEye direct IR driver is not installed. If it is installed, you must disable it while using the Spot. 4. Is 64-bit fully supported? Yes, native 64-bit (x64/amd64) is fully supported for all drivers and libraries. [Intel Itanium is not supported.] Native code developers can compile true 64-bit applications. Managed .NET applications may leave their applications and assemblies targeted as 'Any CPU', which automatically uses the appropriate platform per the operating system and processor. END OF LINE